M. Daedalus - POETRY / POESIA

Step after step, under the eyes of Asia
A seaman galloping the mountains
Attracted to the edge of Europe
Tracking Alexander's footsteps
Following Trajan's legionnaires
Reaching a sea that breeds flames
I drunk its salt, I savoured its fire
And gazed over the land that nurtured Zarathustra
Where screams of countless battles echo in history
But ragged tribes still go to war
In nights that live afraid of the dawn

Navigating without moorings
Finding an unexpected harbour
Your delicate hand touched my hardened face
A caress of soothing fury
Leaving an undeletable mark in my soul
Capturing me in an eastern enchantment
Ignoring the shape of the sun while drifting through your neck
Loosing the horizon in the deep canyon of your breasts
Sinking in your venter and forgetting the colour of the ocean
Your lips roam my skin and secure my heart
I'm locked in the magic frontiers of your arms
Sweet prison for ego and id
Your Caucasian voice sketches an Iberian whisper
Beads of moonlight in a string of hope
Merciless as Tamerlane, any argument is futile
Life yields one sole and ultimate verdict:
Yours is all my time in the planet


see also:
  • Lusitanian Opium
  • leaving Paris
  • an ordinary life
  • black spring

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    M. Daedalus - POETRY / POESIA